Tuesday, March 1, 2011

How To Swrink Dickies Pants

new bag, shopping at the Coop

The other afternoon, I had to shop safely and I noticed that there were many clothing and shoes but also handbags at discounted prices, no one would think, but I've done well this kind of shopping, this time it fell to a poor purse, set out on his own, and I had decided who was to come with me, plus cost only six euro and stands out!

The bag is very comfortable, have been waiting as well, especially for practical reasons, there are fine books and handouts, plus, is the point of Brown was looking for, since no I have not even a brown bag.
Then you know, is always made in china, though it seems robust, but for that price I decided to try, as in any other store I doubt the crop at a higher price with the same quality;)


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