A few months ago I signed up for "Facebook", as He has asked some friends to help them in their political activity conducted within the virtual space. As a collaborator, are co-administrator of some sites, all political leanings and anti-Communists.
Although vaguely threatening and insulting letters I had received in the past, send me directly to my address to the one used on Facebook or sites in which I participate, after the attack on Berlusconi I received a flood of letters steeped in anger and hate . It Friday, December 18, 2009
Who Is Affected By Chicken Pox?
carry excerpts of a few, just to give you an idea of \u200b\u200bthe content a man who calls himself "Renato Curcio (you chose a nice nickname!), writes:
"This [the attack on Berlusconi] is just the beginning [...] will return the Red Brigades, will return to the partisans. You'll end up hanging on every Loreto, dirty racist fascist bourgeoisie. Remember the Cervi brothers who have killed. " Another, who calls himself" Tito "says: " Berlusconi, Bossi, La Russa, Tremonti, Brunetta: in all the ravines with a tricolor flag stuck in the ****" letter, the most violent of all, can not be located, because it contains a nursery rhyme of obscenity really ugly. The author seems to me a woman with serious problems mental, because I can not imagine a human being mentally healthy, even if a prey to hatred, which can write things like that. His letter contains profanity and vulgarity against Berlusconi, Carfagna, Gelmini and Brambilla, with a unique language, as well as hope for a slow and painful death of the Prime Minister. Who drafted the letter seems to have little experience with the Italian language, because the numerous and gross grammatical errors (for example, wrote several times, "a male" with the apostrophe) and some slang expressions to the text. There are those who, without praise the attack and the attempted murder, tends subtly to justify them. A gentleman (I use this term in its broadest meaning), he says, less aggressive and more smooth than others, says:
"Have you heard of the attack on Berlusconi? Are you sad, eh? You have shed a few tear? But I spent an evening [the day of the] wonderful. I was happy, so happy, and I had sex with my partner with real pleasure, thinking of the bloody face and crush of the Knight "A pretty young lady (assuming that the photograph that appears on Facebook is really his), I wrote on post private talk, saying that to oppose the violence of the extremists of the left is in itself an act of violence, and argues that position with reasoning and sophistry to say the least convoluted.
To my knowledge, no left-wing prime minister has ever been physically assaulted by any right-wing extremist here in Italy, and I do not know why invite to oppose violence community is ipso facto
an "act of violence." The brief glimpse
that these letters, and many others that carry and offer the widespread mentality in many leftists leads me to wonder how big the intensity of hatred, irrational and sometimes pathological, to the current government and distributed to representatives of Italy's communist extremists.
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