a film as popular as questionable: Three meters above the sky
Last summer I happened to help one of my young cousin and goddaughter, to perform the classic holiday homework. " Among them appeared the writing of a report on the popular film Three meters above the sky, the film version of an equally popular and novel by Federico Moccia. The undersigned having had vaguely news, did not know her at all, and you undertake the vision of this film. The content has left me speechless, and even worried by the thought of its wide circulation, so as to make it appear in the same school exercises.
The plot is simple enough, and tells a love story between two young people in contemporary Rome. He is a thug violent, she was a student in a private high school.
The male protagonist (Stefano, nicknamed Step) is a member of a motorcycle gang overbearing and aggressive, and when the narrative gets involved in six other assaults. In the opening scene, smashing his nose and lands another thug. The fact is that after our "hero" has gone intentionally to face, before the total indifference of the other members of the band. Then, Step-Stephen hits the companion star, hunting the "Baby" in the shower, the car axle in which these two are moving away from the home of their friend, companion still smacks of "Baby," breaks the nose to a man stepped in to rescue him. It's not over, because during the film we learn that Stephen broke the jaw of a man, the lover of his mother. Still, we beat another member of his gang to get back a necklace from these escaped to a friend of the family of "Baby," theft of which he was unjustly accused. Last but not least, the dog steals the protagonist of a teacher in order to blackmail her and get the promotion of his girlfriend, put at risk by his skipping school and had submitted a false signature.
This "hero" does not work, refuses to go to college and spends his time indolent, with his partner or with his friends thugs, with whom does such dangerous stunts street racing motorbike, with the girls tied to the seat.
The female lead (nicknamed "Baby") appears as a vain and capricious, subject only to the parties and their physical appearance. Attention to the school is non-existent, and his relationship with a teacher is nothing short of awful. Before his meeting with "Step", the "Baby" is still a girl, especially in the plot that is implicitly presented as abnormal and unusual, and perceived as such by the protagonists themselves, as well as the best friend of her. It 'worth noting that at the end of the film you'll find that the sister of "Baby" (which has flirted several times with "Step", in scenes described with a certain liveliness) is no longer a virgin. Baby has 18 years, just 14 and his sister Giuliana.
latter more frivolous the main character, seems to only care about the sex, which is on the phone gossiping with friends, and catechizes one of these in the following way. I apologize for the content, which I reproduce in order to know the dialogues of this film : "Of course when you take the pill is just another life. Do not make unnecessary problems, and then you feel more free [...] Watch: plunge! In my opinion the first time is best done with someone you do not like. Then he waited with him, figured I would never have done. " Sic.
The relationship with parents is bad for both characters. His father Stefano has no authority over him, and the mother is systematically avoided by him, after being discovered cheating husband. Baby's father is quite absent, or at least tolerant of the behavior of her daughter, while her mother is a kind of hysterical despot. The language used is often vulgar and obscene.
Diabolus Simia Of . The couple presented Three meters above the sky seems to be counterfeiting of masculinity and femininity, with aggression and male dominance in reduced violence and bullying, and the sweetness and sensitivity to women's vanity and lust.
The reality is that this film has experienced an extraordinary diffusion between the young and the very young, so that they become almost the symbol of a generation. Such programs are based on a psychological mechanism, for which the viewer is called to identify with the protagonist of his same sex. In fact, it was asked the young or the young woman who attends Three meters above the sky to behave the same way.
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