Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Beauty And The Beast Set Blueprints

The Melons presents "Young Italy", the youth movement of the PDL

A "unified youth movement" of the PDL, a national steering of 8 people and a national leadership composed of 60, but "without quotas from" waiting for first congress in 2010. Giorgia Meloni, Minister for Youth and for years a leader of National Alliance of Youth, presented at Montecitorio "Young Italy" movement that "unites" the youth of Youth Action Force and Italy.

"Young Italy" is a step in the training process and the People of Freedom - the minister said - aims, among other things, "to train and select the leadership" of the party born from the ashes of the Alliance and Forza Italy National. The Melons immediately explains that "there are absolutely no fees, because it would be absurd for a movement formed by young people:" 'Young Italy' - says the minister - comes at the end of a journey shared by two movements, a path that goes to booming. I enjoy the ballet of the press who look for someone who is always fighting. "

the territory the movement, "at least at first," will refer to the organizational model of the party: there will be a president with a vice-provincial. The name of the organization "comes from below" was chosen by a poll on the Internet, resulting in "a very large majority, 78%."

Stefania Craxi, head of a movement of the same name, has expressed his willingness to transfer the name to PDL: "It is a name of Mazzini, the Risorgimento that my father used it to those young people who, during the storm that struck the PSI, trying to save a flag - he explains - I was very happy when he asked me how Berlusconi would be happy even my father. "

The debut of "Young Italy" will take place during Atreju of 2009, the eleventh edition of the youth center scheduled September 9 to 13 at the park of the Celio in Rome. "The theme will be 'Beyond any wall' to celebrate 20 years since the fall of the Berlin Wall - Minister announces Meloni -. Opening the event will be the third consecutive Berlusconi. There will be an open discussion with questions from the audience without filtering . Then it's up to Massimo D'Alema to confront, as host, with the Minister for La Russa. "

"rules inclusive" says the coordinator Francesco Pasquali: "Come on - he said - beyond the fences of the previous movements and we are open also to smaller parties. There is no room for some odd reason nostalgic." There then the question of the symbol. "This will also be decided from the bottom - Pasquali says - perhaps with a competition and then will be chosen by a poll. The 'Fiamma Tricolore'? If he is chosen a torch or other symbol, we adjust to the will of the base."

From "The West - August 5, 2009


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