Marc Bekoff, the emotional life of animals
Posted on April 28th, 2010 at 13:26 by MondoEditoriale
animals feel joy, pain, embarrassment, anger , love and the whole range of emotions proper to the human species. In this book Marc Bekoff, a leading ethologists in the world, winning awards for Science Award, based on years of study on social communication in a wide variety of species, shows the existence of the rich emotional life of animals.
The emotions of the animals teach us about love, compassion, empathy and force us to radically rethink the way we interact with them.
The author also explores the evolution of emotions, focusing on the evolutionary continuity between the different species and presents the latest techniques in scientific research concerning the neurology and behavioral sciences.
A unique book on the world finally published in Italy, suitable both for specialists and scholars that fans
Title: The emotional lives of animals
Author: Marc Bekoff
Publisher: Perdisa
Euro: 18.00
Notes: Foreword by Jane Goodall, Foreword by Danilo Mainardi