Thursday, January 17, 2008

Calla Lillies Imitation

Failure Pope's visit to Sapienza

The facts of the University La Sapienza lead us to reflect on how it evolved in our negative society, a society increasingly intolerant and less ethical.

A dispute moved to the Supreme Pontiff, who is one of the highest in the world and listen to more voices in favor of peace, human rights and brotherhood, can not be passed as a solicitation to the secular culture.

Our history and the history West are permeated by Christianity; give up what you give to ourselves. This is true both for those who believe, but at the same time, even for those who live a life without faith.

"The Church has always been a key factor for the protection of freedom and democracy and peaceful coexistence between peoples even when, in the near and distant past, the ideological diversity seemed to have the upper hand on the inalienable rights of man, helping contribute to the debate civil and cultural diversity is through its educational work that continues through the efforts of so many lay people who have worked to serve the common good. "

We believe that minorities can not give choices to the majority. This is also an essential part of democracy. Who supports and promotes these events, those who think that the arrogance to prevail over reason, does not build a better future.

That a university environment, a place to deepen and by comparison, has not been able to welcome the contribution of a personality like the Pope is very worrisome and highlights the situation that exists in the Italian university .


Coordination Hall of Siena

Confirmation Voluntary Work


Dear visitors this blog is born today with the intent to be our window on the world, a table of comparison where all you can freely exchange ideas and opinions as long as good taste and respect the other's thinking.

We firmly believe that young people constitute the main engine of economic recovery and the province of Siena, so now more than ever feel the need to vigorously hear our voice on all those issues that do not collect the proper attention by institutions premises.

Only through a determined and decisive participation in the political choices we young people can indeed play a leading role in decision-making by posing as real architects of renewal and progress.

Our ambitious goal is therefore to give life to the creation of a large youth movement that could make room for more young people through their involvement in initiatives and projects.

We are well aware that our challenge represents a difficult but important and fascinating at the same time we want to continue with the belief that through the energy, spirit of self-denial, and the political passion of many young people a real change and a real alternative is possible.

you that you are not satisfied with the reality in which you live and you want to express your ideas with an open mind and critical not hesitate to take the field to support and monitor our actions that we intend to pursue.

Enough with the politics away from young people!

Our future will we choose!

Youth for Freedom of Siena